Monday, 4 June 2018

TripleO Containerized deployments, debugging basics

Containerized deployments, debugging basics

Since the Pike release, TripleO has supported deployments with OpenStack services running in containers.  Currently we use docker to run images based on those maintained by the Kolla project.

We already have some tips and tricks for container deployment debugging in tripleo-docs, but below are some more notes on my typical debug workflows.

Config generation debugging overview

In the TripleO container architecture, we still use Puppet to generate configuration files and do some bootstrapping, but it is run (inside a container) via a script

The config generation usage happens at the start of the deployment (step 1) and the configuration files are generated for all services (regardless of which step they are started in).

The input file used is /var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet.json, but you can also filter this (e.g via cut/paste or jq as shown below) to enable debugging for specific services - this is helpful when you need to iterate on debugging a config generation issue for just one service.

[root@overcloud-controller-0 docker-puppet]# jq '[.[]|select(.config_volume | contains("heat"))]' /var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet.json | tee /tmp/heat_docker_puppet.json
  "puppet_tags": "heat_config,file,concat,file_line",
  "config_volume": "heat_api",
  "step_config": "include ::tripleo::profile::base::heat::api\n",
  "config_image": ""
  "puppet_tags": "heat_config,file,concat,file_line",
  "config_volume": "heat_api_cfn",
  "step_config": "include ::tripleo::profile::base::heat::api_cfn\n",
  "config_image": ""
  "puppet_tags": "heat_config,file,concat,file_line",
  "config_volume": "heat",
  "step_config": "include ::tripleo::profile::base::heat::engine\n\ninclude ::tripleo::profile::base::database::mysql::client",
  "config_image": ""


Then we can run the config generation, if necessary changing the tags (or puppet modules, which are consumed from the host filesystem e.g /etc/puppet/modules) until the desired output is achieved:

[root@overcloud-controller-0 docker-puppet]# export NET_HOST='true'
[root@overcloud-controller-0 docker-puppet]# export DEBUG='true'
[root@overcloud-controller-0 docker-puppet]# export PROCESS_COUNT=1
[root@overcloud-controller-0 docker-puppet]# export CONFIG=/tmp/heat_docker_puppet.json
[root@overcloud-controller-0 docker-puppet]# python /var/lib/docker-puppet/docker-puppet.py2018-02-09 16:13:16,978 INFO: 102305 -- Running docker-puppet
2018-02-09 16:13:16,978 DEBUG: 102305 -- CONFIG: /tmp/heat_docker_puppet.json
2018-02-09 16:13:16,978 DEBUG: 102305 -- config_volume heat_api
2018-02-09 16:13:16,978 DEBUG: 102305 -- puppet_tags heat_config,file,concat,file_line
2018-02-09 16:13:16,978 DEBUG: 102305 -- manifest include ::tripleo::profile::base::heat::api
2018-02-09 16:13:16,978 DEBUG: 102305 -- config_image


When the config generation is completed, configuration files are written out to /var/lib/config-data/heat.

We then compare timestamps against the /var/lib/config-data/heat/heat.*origin_of_time file (touched for each service before we run the config-generating containers), so that only those files modified or created by puppet are copied to /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/heat.

Note that we also calculate a checksum for each service (see /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/*.md5sum), which means we can detect when the configuration changes - when this happens we need paunch to restart the containers, even though the image did not change.

This checksum is added to the /var/lib/tripleo-config/hashed-docker-container-startup-config-step_*.json files by, and these files are later used by paunch to decide if a container should be restarted (see below).


Runtime debugging, paunch 101

Paunch is a tool that orchestrates launching containers for each step, and performing any bootstrapping tasks not handled via

It accepts a json format, which are the /var/lib/tripleo-config/docker-container-startup-config-step_*.json files that are created based on the enabled services (the content is directly derived from the service templates in tripleo-heat-templates)

These json files are then modified via (as mentioned above) to add a TRIPLEO_CONFIG_HASH value to the container environment - these modified files are written with a different name, see /var/lib/tripleo-config/hashed-docker-container-startup-config-step_*.json

Note this environment variable isn't used by the container directly, it is used as a salt to trigger restarting containers when the configuration files in the mounted config volumes have changed.

As in the docker-puppet case it's possible to filter the json file with jq and debug e.g mounted volumes or other configuration changes directly.

It's also possible to test configuration changes by manually modifying /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/ then either restarting the container via docker restart, or by modifying TRIPLEO_CONFIG_HASH then re-running paunch.

Note paunch will kill any containers tagged for a particular step e.g the --config-id tripleo_step4 --managed-by tripleo-Controller means all containers started during this step for any previous paunch apply will be killed if they are removed from your json during testing.  This is a feature which enables changes to the enabled services on update to your overcloud but it's worth bearing in mind when testing as described here.

[root@overcloud-controller-0]# cd /var/lib/tripleo-config/
[root@overcloud-controller-0 tripleo-config]# jq '{"heat_engine": .heat_engine}' hashed-docker-container-startup-config-step_4.json | tee /tmp/heat_startup_config.json
  "heat_engine": {
    "healthcheck": {
      "test": "/openstack/healthcheck"
    "image": "",
    "environment": [
    "volumes": [
    "net": "host",
    "privileged": false,
    "restart": "always"
[root@overcloud-controller-0 tripleo-config]#  paunch --debug apply --file /tmp/heat_startup_config.json --config-id tripleo_step4 --managed-by tripleo-Controller
stdout: dd60546daddd06753da445fd973e52411d0a9031c8758f4bebc6e094823a8b45

[root@overcloud-controller-0 tripleo-config]# docker ps | grep heat
dd60546daddd          "kolla_start"            9 seconds ago       Up 9 seconds (health: starting)                       heat_engine



Containerized services, logging

There are a couple of ways to access the container logs:

  • On the host filesystem, the container logs are persisted under /var/log/containers/<service>
  • docker logs <container id or name>
It is also often useful to use docker inspect <container id or name> to verify the container configuration, e.g the image in use and the mounted volumes etc.


Debugging containers directly

Sometimes logs are not enough to debug problems, and in this case you must interact with the container directly to diagnose the issue.

When a container is not restarting, you can attach a shell to the running container via docker exec:

[root@openstack-controller-0 ~]# docker exec -ti heat_engine /bin/bash
()[heat@openstack-controller-0 /]$ ps ax
      1 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/local/bin/dumb-init /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/kolla_start
      5 ?        Ss     1:50 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/heat-engine --config-file /usr/share/heat/heat-dist.conf --config-file /etc/heat/heat
     25 ?        S      3:05 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/heat-engine --config-file /usr/share/heat/heat-dist.conf --config-file /etc/heat/heat
     26 ?        S      3:06 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/heat-engine --config-file /usr/share/heat/heat-dist.conf --config-file /etc/heat/heat
     27 ?        S      3:06 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/heat-engine --config-file /usr/share/heat/heat-dist.conf --config-file /etc/heat/heat
     28 ?        S      3:05 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/heat-engine --config-file /usr/share/heat/heat-dist.conf --config-file /etc/heat/heat
   2936 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/bash
   2946 ?        R+     0:00 ps ax


That's all for today, for more information please refer to tripleo-docs,, or feel free to ask questions in #tripleo on Freenode!

Friday, 9 February 2018

Debugging TripleO revisited - Heat, Ansible & Puppet

Some time ago I wrote a post about debugging TripleO heat templates, which contained some details of possible debug workflows when TripleO deployments fail.

In recent releases (since the Pike release) we've made some major changes to the TripleO architecture - we makes more use of Ansible "under the hood", and we now support deploying containerized environments.  I described some of these architectural changes in a talk at the recent OpenStack Summit in Sydney.

In this post I'd like to provide a refreshed tutorial on typical debug workflow, primarily focussing on the configuration phase of a typical TripleO deployment, and with particular focus on interfaces which have changed or are new since my original debugging post.

We'll start by looking at the deploy workflow as a whole, some heat interfaces for diagnosing the nature of the failure, then we'll at how to debug directly via Ansible and Puppet.  In a future post I'll also cover the basics of debugging containerized deployments.

The TripleO deploy workflow, overview

A typical TripleO deployment consists of several discrete phases, which are run in order:

Provisioning of the nodes

  1. A "plan" is created (heat templates and other files are uploaded to Swift running on the undercloud
  2. Some validation checks are performed by Mistral/Heat then a Heat stack create is started (by Mistral on the undercloud)
  3. Heat creates some groups of nodes (one group per TripleO role e.g "Controller"), which results in API calls to Nova
  4. Nova makes scheduling/placement decisions based on your flavors (which can be different per role), and calls Ironic to provision the baremetal nodes
  5. The nodes are provisioned by Ironic

This first phase is the provisioning workflow, after that is complete and the nodes are reported ACTIVE by nova (e.g the nodes are provisioned with an OS and running).

Host preparation

The next step is to configure the nodes in preparation for starting the services, which again has a specific workflow (some optional steps are omitted for clarity):

  1. The node networking is configured, via the os-net-config tool
  2. We write hieradata for puppet to the node filesystem (under /etc/puppet/hieradata/*)
  3. We write some data files to the node filesystem (a puppet manifest for baremetal configuration, and some json files that are used for container configuration)

Service deployment, step-by-step configuration

The final step is to deploy the services, either on the baremetal host or in containers, this consists of several tasks run in a specific order:

  1. We run puppet on the baremetal host (even in the containerized architecture this is still needed, e.g to configure the docker daemon and a few other things)
  2. We run "" to generate the configuration files for each enabled service (this only happens once, on step 1, for all services)
  3. We start any containers enabled for this step via the "paunch" tool, which translates some json files into running docker containers, and optionally does some bootstrapping tasks.
  4. We run again (with a different configuration, only on one node the "bootstrap host"), this does some bootstrap tasks that are performed via puppet, such as creating keystone users and endpoints after starting the service.

Note that these steps are performed repeatedly with an incrementing step value (e.g step 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5), with the exception of the "" config generation which we only need to do once (we just generate the configs for all services regardless of which step they get started in).

Below is a diagram which illustrates this step-by-step deployment workflow:
TripleO Service configuration workflow

The most common deployment failures occur during this service configuration phase of deployment, so the remainder of this post will primarily focus on debugging failures of the deployment steps.


Debugging first steps - what failed?

Heat Stack create failed.

Ok something failed during your TripleO deployment, it happens to all of us sometimes!  The next step is to understand the root-cause.

My starting point after this is always to run:

openstack stack failures list --long <stackname>

(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ openstack stack failures list --long overcloud
  resource_type: OS::Heat::StructuredDeployment 
  physical_resource_id: 421c7860-dd7d-47bd-9e12-de0008a4c106 
  status: CREATE_FAILED 
  status_reason: | 
    Error: resources[0]: Deployment to server failed: deploy_status_code : Deployment exited with non-zero status code: 2 
  deploy_stdout: | 
    PLAY [localhost] ***************************************************************  
    TASK [Run puppet host configuration for step 1] ********************************  
    ok: [localhost] 
    TASK [debug] *******************************************************************  
    fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => { 
        "changed": false,  
        "failed_when_result": true,  
        "outputs.stdout_lines|default([])|union(outputs.stderr_lines|default([]))": [ 
            "Debug: Runtime environment: puppet_version=4.8.2, ruby_version=2.0.0, run_mode=user, default_encoding=UTF-8",  
            "Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Unknown resource type: 'ugeas' at /etc/puppet/modules/tripleo/manifests/profile/base/docker.pp:181:5 on node overcloud-controller-0.localdomain" 
          to retry, use: --limit @/var/lib/heat-config/heat-config-ansible/8dd0b23a-acb8-4e11-aef7-12ea1d4cf038_playbook.retry 
    PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* 
    localhost                  : ok=18   changed=12   unreachable=0    failed=1    

We can tell several things from the output (which has been edited above for brevity), firstly the name of the failing resource

  • The error was on one of the Controllers (ControllerDeployment)
  • The deployment failed during the per-step service configuration phase (the AllNodesDeploySteps part tells us this)
  • The failure was during the first step (Step1.0)
Then we see more clues in the deploy_stdout, ansible failed running the task which runs puppet on the host, it looks like a problem with the puppet code.

With a little more digging we can see which node exactly this failure relates to, e.g we copy the SoftwareDeployment ID from the output above, then run:

(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ openstack software deployment show 421c7860-dd7d-47bd-9e12-de0008a4c106 --format value --column server_id
(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ openstack server list | grep 29b3c254-5270-42ae-8150-9fc3f67d3d89
| 29b3c254-5270-42ae-8150-9fc3f67d3d89 | overcloud-controller-0  | ACTIVE | ctlplane= | overcloud-full | oooq_control |

Ok so puppet failed while running via ansible on overcloud-controller-0.


Debugging via Ansible directly

Having identified that the problem was during the ansible-driven configuration phase, one option is to re-run the same configuration directly via ansible-ansible playbook, so you can either increase verbosity or potentially modify the tasks to debug the problem.

Since the Queens release, this is actually very easy, using a combination of the new "openstack overcloud config download" command and the tripleo dynamic ansible inventory.

(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ openstack overcloud config download
The TripleO configuration has been successfully generated into: /home/stack/tripleo-VOVet0-config
(undercloud) [stack@undercloud ~]$ cd /home/stack/tripleo-VOVet0-config
 (undercloud) [stack@undercloud tripleo-VOVet0-config]$ ls
 common_deploy_steps_tasks.yaml    external_post_deploy_steps_tasks.yaml  templates
 Compute                           global_vars.yaml                       update_steps_playbook.yaml
 Controller                        group_vars                             update_steps_tasks.yaml
 deploy_steps_playbook.yaml        post_upgrade_steps_playbook.yaml       upgrade_steps_playbook.yaml
 external_deploy_steps_tasks.yaml  post_upgrade_steps_tasks.yaml          upgrade_steps_tasks.yaml

Here we can see there is a "deploy_steps_playbook.yaml", which is the entry point to run the ansible service configuration steps.  This runs all the common deployment tasks (as outlined above) as well as any service specific tasks (these end up in task include files in the per-role directories, e.g Controller and Compute in this example).

We can run the playbook again on all nodes with the tripleo-ansible-inventory from tripleo-validations, which is installed by default on the undercloud:

(undercloud) [stack@undercloud tripleo-VOVet0-config]$ ansible-playbook -i /usr/bin/tripleo-ansible-inventory deploy_steps_playbook.yaml --limit overcloud-controller-0
TASK [Run puppet host configuration for step 1] ********************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [debug] *******************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {
    "changed": false, 
    "failed_when_result": true, 
    "outputs.stdout_lines|default([])|union(outputs.stderr_lines|default([]))": [
        "Notice: hiera(): Cannot load backend module_data: cannot load such file -- hiera/backend/module_data_backend", 
        "exception: connect failed", 
        "Warning: Undefined variable '::deploy_config_name'; ", 
        "   (file & line not available)", 
        "Warning: Undefined variable 'deploy_config_name'; ", 
        "Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Unknown resource type: 'ugeas' at /etc/puppet/modules/tripleo/manifests/profile
/base/docker.pp:181:5 on node overcloud-controller-0.localdomain"

NO MORE HOSTS LEFT *************************************************************************************************
 to retry, use: --limit @/home/stack/tripleo-VOVet0-config/deploy_steps_playbook.retry

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************               : ok=56   changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=1   

Here we can see the same error is reproduced directly via ansible, and we made use of the --limit option to only run tasks on the overcloud-controller-0 node.  We could also have added --tags to limit the tasks further (see tripleo-heat-templates for which tags are supported).

If the error were ansible related, this would be a good way to debug and test any potential fixes to the ansible tasks, and in the upcoming Rocky release there are plans to switch to this model of deployment by default.


Debugging via Puppet directly

Since this error seems to be puppet related, the next step is to reproduce it on the host (obviously the steps above often yield enough information to identify the puppet error, but this assumes you need to do more detailed debugging directly via puppet):

Firstly we log on to the node, and look at the files in the /var/lib/tripleo-config directory.

(undercloud) [stack@undercloud tripleo-VOVet0-config]$ ssh heat-admin@
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Last login: Fri Feb  9 14:30:02 2018 from gateway
[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ cd /var/lib/tripleo-config/
[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 tripleo-config]$ ls
docker-container-startup-config-step_1.json  docker-container-startup-config-step_4.json  puppet_step_config.pp
docker-container-startup-config-step_2.json  docker-container-startup-config-step_5.json
docker-container-startup-config-step_3.json  docker-container-startup-config-step_6.json

The puppet_step_config.pp file is the manifest applied by ansible on the baremetal host

We can debug any puppet host configuration by running puppet apply manually. Note that hiera is used to control the step value, this will be at the same value as the failing step, but it can also be useful sometimes to manually modify this for development testing of different steps for a particular service.

[root@overcloud-controller-0 tripleo-config]# hiera -c /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml step
[root@overcloud-controller-0 tripleo-config]# cat /etc/puppet/hieradata/config_step.json 
{"step": 1}[root@overcloud-controller-0 tripleo-config]# puppet apply --debug puppet_step_config.pp
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Unknown resource type: 'ugeas' at /etc/puppet/modules/tripleo/manifests/profile/base/docker.pp:181:5 on node overcloud-controller-0.localdomain

Here we can see the problem is a typo in the /etc/puppet/modules/tripleo/manifests/profile/base/docker.pp file at line 181, I look at the file, fix the problem (ugeas should be augeas) then re-run puppet apply to confirm the fix.

Note that with puppet module fixes you will need to get the fix either into an updated overcloud image, or update the module via deploy artifacts for testing local forks of the modules.

That's all for today, but in a future post, I will cover the new container architecture, and share some debugging approaches I have found helpful when deployment failures are container related.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

OpenStack Days UK

OpenStack Days UK

Yesterday I attended the OpenStack Days UK event, held in London.  It was a very good day and there were a number of interesting talks, and it provided a great opportunity to chat with folks about OpenStack.

I gave a talk, titled "Deploying OpenStack at scale, with TripleO, Ansible and Containers", where I gave an update of the recent rework in the TripleO project to make more use of Ansible and enable containerized deployments.

I'm planning some future blog posts with more detail on this topic, but for now here's a copy of the slide deck I used, also available on github.

Thursday, 11 May 2017

OpenStack Summit - TripleO Project Onboarding

We've been having a productive week here in Boston at the OpenStack Summit, and one of the sessions I was involved in was a TripleO project Onboarding session.

The project onboarding sessions are a new idea for this summit, and provide the opportunity for new or potential contributors (and/or users/operators) to talk with the existing project developers and get tips on how to get started as well as ask any questions and discuss ideas/issues.

The TripleO session went well, and I'm very happy to report it was well attended and we had some good discussions.  The session was informal with an emphasis on questions and some live demos/examples, but we did also use a few slides which provide an overview and some context for those new to the project.

Here are the slides used (also on my github), unfortunately I can't share the Q+A aspects of the session as it wasn't recorded, but I hope the slides will prove useful - we can be found in #tripleo on Freenode if anyone has questions about the slides or getting started with TripleO in general.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Developing Mistral workflows for TripleO

During the newton/ocata development cycles, TripleO made changes to the architecture so we make use of Mistral (the OpenStack workflow API project) to drive workflows required to deploy your OpenStack cloud.

Prior to this change we had workflow defined inside python-tripleoclient, and most API calls were made directly to Heat.  This worked OK but there was too much "business logic" inside the client, which doesn't work well if non-python clients (such as tripleo-ui) want to interact with TripleO.

To solve this problem, number of mistral workflows and custom actions have been implemented, which are available via the Mistral API on the undercloud.  This can be considered the primary "TripleO API" for driving all deployment tasks now.

Here's a diagram showing how it fits together:

Overview of Mistral integration in TripleO

Mistral workflows and actions

There are two primary interfaces to mistral, workflows which are a yaml definition of a process or series of tasks, and actions which are a concrete definition of how to do a specific task (such as call some OpenStack API).

Workflows and actions can defined directly via the mistral API, or a wrapper called a workbook.  Mistral actions are also defined via a python plugin interface, which TripleO uses to run some tasks such as running jinja2 on tripleo-heat-templates prior to calling Heat to orchestrate the deployment.

Mistral workflows, in detail

Here I'm going to show how to view and interact with the mistral workflows used by TripleO directly, which is useful to understand what TripleO is doing "under the hood" during a deployment, and also for debugging/development.

First we view the mistral workbooks loaded into Mistral - these contain the TripleO specific workflows and are defined in tripleo-common

[stack@undercloud ~]$ . stackrc 
[stack@undercloud ~]$ mistral workbook-list
| Name                       | Tags   | Created at          | Updated at |
| tripleo.deployment.v1      | <none> | 2017-02-27 17:59:04 | None       |
| tripleo.package_update.v1  | <none> | 2017-02-27 17:59:06 | None       |
| tripleo.plan_management.v1 | <none> | 2017-02-27 17:59:09 | None       |
| tripleo.scale.v1           | <none> | 2017-02-27 17:59:11 | None       |
| tripleo.stack.v1           | <none> | 2017-02-27 17:59:13 | None       |
| tripleo.validations.v1     | <none> | 2017-02-27 17:59:15 | None       |
| tripleo.baremetal.v1       | <none> | 2017-02-28 19:26:33 | None       |

The name of the workbook constitutes a namespace for the workflows it contains, so we can view the related workflows using grep (I also grep for tag_node to reduce the number of matches).

[stack@undercloud ~]$ mistral workflow-list | grep "tripleo.baremetal.v1" | grep tag_node
| 75d2566c-13d9-4aa3-b18d-8e8fc0dd2119 | tripleo.baremetal.v1.tag_nodes                            | 660c5ec71ce043c1a43d3529e7065a9d | <none> | tag_node_uuids, untag_nod... | 2017-02-28 19:26:33 | None       |
| 7a4220cc-f323-44a4-bb0b-5824377af249 | tripleo.baremetal.v1.tag_node                             | 660c5ec71ce043c1a43d3529e7065a9d | <none> | node_uuid, role=None, que... | 2017-02-28 19:26:33 | None       |  

When you know the name of a workflow, you can inspect the required inputs, and run it directly via a mistral execution, in this case we're running the tripleo.baremetal.v1.tag_node workflow, which modifies the profile assigned in the ironic node capabilities (see tripleo-docs for more information about manual tagging of nodes)

[stack@undercloud ~]$ mistral workflow-get tripleo.baremetal.v1.tag_node
| Field      | Value                                    |
| ID         | 7a4220cc-f323-44a4-bb0b-5824377af249     |
| Name       | tripleo.baremetal.v1.tag_node            |
| Project ID | 660c5ec71ce043c1a43d3529e7065a9d         |
| Tags       | <none>                                   |
| Input      | node_uuid, role=None, queue_name=tripleo |
| Created at | 2017-02-28 19:26:33                      |
| Updated at | None                                     |
[stack@undercloud ~]$ ironic node-list
| UUID                                 | Name      | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| 30182cb9-eba9-4335-b6b4-d74fe2581102 | control-0 | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| 19fd7ea7-b4a0-4ae9-a06a-2f3d44f739e9 | compute-0 | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
[stack@undercloud ~]$ mistral execution-create tripleo.baremetal.v1.tag_node '{"node_uuid": "30182cb9-eba9-4335-b6b4-d74fe2581102", "role": "test"}'
| Field             | Value                                |
| ID                | 6a141065-ad6e-4477-b1a8-c178e6fcadcb |
| Workflow ID       | 7a4220cc-f323-44a4-bb0b-5824377af249 |
| Workflow name     | tripleo.baremetal.v1.tag_node        |
| Description       |                                      |
| Task Execution ID | <none>                               |
| State             | RUNNING                              |
| State info        | None                                 |
| Created at        | 2017-03-03 09:53:10                  |
| Updated at        | 2017-03-03 09:53:10                  |

At this point the mistral workflow is running, and it'll either succeed or fail, and also create some output (which in the TripleO model is sometimes returned to the Ux via a Zaqar queue).  We can view the status, and the outputs (truncated for brevity):

[stack@undercloud ~]$ mistral execution-list | grep  6a141065-ad6e-4477-b1a8-c178e6fcadcb
| 6a141065-ad6e-4477-b1a8-c178e6fcadcb | 7a4220cc-f323-44a4-bb0b-5824377af249 | tripleo.baremetal.v1.tag_node                           |                        | <none>                               | SUCCESS | None       | 2017-03-03 09:53:10 | 2017-03-03 09:53:11 |
[stack@undercloud ~]$ mistral execution-get-output 6a141065-ad6e-4477-b1a8-c178e6fcadcb
    "status": "SUCCESS", 
    "message": {

So that's it - we ran a mistral workflow, it suceeded and we looked at the output, now we can see the result looking at the node in Ironic, it worked! :)

[stack@undercloud ~]$ ironic node-show 30182cb9-eba9-4335-b6b4-d74fe2581102 | grep profile
|                        | u'cpus': u'2', u'capabilities': u'profile:test,cpu_hugepages:true,boot_o |


Mistral workflows, create your own!

Here I'll show how to develop your own custom workflows (which isn't something we expect operators to necessarily do, but is now part of many developers workflow during feature development for TripleO).

First, we create a simple yaml definition of the workflow, as defined in the v2 Mistral DSL - this example lists all available ironic nodes, then finds those which match the "test" profile we assigned in the example above:

version: '2.0'
description: Find nodes with a specific profile tag
- profile: test
action: ironic.node_list maintenance=False
on-success: get_nodes_for_role
available_nodes: <% task(get_available_nodes).result.where($.provision_state = 'available').uuid %>
with-items: node_uuid in <% $.available_nodes %>
action: ironic.node_get node_id=<% $.node_uuid %>
matching_nodes: <% let(profile => concat("profile:", $.profile)) -> task(get_nodes_for_role).result.where($profile in $.properties.capabilities).uuid %>
view raw test.yaml hosted with ❤ by GitHub

This example uses the mistral built-in "ironic" action, which is basically a pass-through action exposing the python-ironicclient interfaces.  Similar actions exist for the majority of OpenStack python clients, so this is a pretty flexible interface.

Now we can now upload the workflow (not wrapped in a workbook this time, so we use workflow-create), run it via execution create, then look at the outputs - we can see that  the matching_nodes output matches the ID of the node we tagged in the example above - success! :)

[stack@undercloud tripleo-common]$ mistral workflow-create shtest.yaml 
| ID                                   | Name                    | Project ID                       | Tags   | Input        | Created at          | Updated at |
| 2b8f2bea-f3dd-42f0-ad16-79987c75df4d | test_nodes_with_profile | 660c5ec71ce043c1a43d3529e7065a9d | <none> | profile=test | 2017-03-03 10:18:48 | None       |
[stack@undercloud tripleo-common]$ mistral execution-create test_nodes_with_profile
| Field             | Value                                |
| ID                | 2392ed1c-96b4-4787-9d11-0f3069e9a7e5 |
| Workflow ID       | 2b8f2bea-f3dd-42f0-ad16-79987c75df4d |
| Workflow name     | test_nodes_with_profile              |
| Description       |                                      |
| Task Execution ID | <none>                               |
| State             | RUNNING                              |
| State info        | None                                 |
| Created at        | 2017-03-03 10:19:30                  |
| Updated at        | 2017-03-03 10:19:30                  |
[stack@undercloud tripleo-common]$ mistral execution-list | grep  2392ed1c-96b4-4787-9d11-0f3069e9a7e5
| 2392ed1c-96b4-4787-9d11-0f3069e9a7e5 | 2b8f2bea-f3dd-42f0-ad16-79987c75df4d | test_nodes_with_profile                                 |                        | <none>                               | SUCCESS | None       | 2017-03-03 10:19:30 | 2017-03-03 10:19:31 |
[stack@undercloud tripleo-common]$ mistral execution-get-output 2392ed1c-96b4-4787-9d11-0f3069e9a7e5
    "matching_nodes": [
    "available_nodes": [

Using this basic example, you can see how to develop workflows which can then easily be copied into the tripleo-common workbooks, and integrated into the TripleO deployment workflow.

In a future post, I'll dig into the use of custom actions, and how to develop/debug those.

Monday, 10 October 2016

TripleO composable/custom roles

This is a follow-up to my previous post outlining the new composable services interfaces , which covered the basics of the new for Newton composable services model.

The final piece of the composability model we've been developing this cycle is the ability to deploy user-defined custom roles, in addition to (or even instead of) the built in TripleO roles (where a role is a group of servers, e.g "Controller", which runs some combination of services).

What follows is an overview of this new functionality, the primary interfaces, and some usage examples and a summary of future planned work.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Complex data transformations with nested Heat intrinsic functions

Disclaimer, what follows is either pretty neat, or pure-evil depending your your viewpoint ;)  But it's based on a real use-case and it works, so I'm posting this to document the approach, why it's needed, and hopefully stimulate some discussion around optimizations leading to a improved/simplified implementation in the future.