Thursday, 9 June 2016

TripleO partial stack updates

Recently I was asked if it's possible to do a partial update of a TripleO overcloud - the answer is yes, so I thought I'd write a post showing how to do it.  Much of what follows is basically an update on my old post on nested resource introspection (some interfaces have changed a bit since I wrote that), combined with an introduction to heat PATCH updates.

Partial update?!  Why?

So, the first question is why would you do this - TripleO heat templates are designed to enforce a consistent state for your entire OpenStack deployment, so in most cases you really should update the entire overcloud, and not mess with the underlying nested stacks directly.

However, for some development usage, this creates a long feedback loop - you change something (perhaps one line in a puppet manifest or heat template), then have to wait several minutes for Heat to walk the entire tree of nested stacks, puppet to run all steps on all nodes, etc.

So, while you would probably never do this in production (seriously, please don't!), it can be a useful technique for developers seeking a quicker hack-then-test cycle, and also when attempting to isolate root-causes for some subset of overcloud stack update behavior.

Ok, with that disclaimer clearly stated, here's how you do it:

Step 1 - Find the nested stack to update

Lets take a specific example - I want to update only the ControllerNodesPostDeployment resource which is defined in overcloud.yaml - this is a resource that maps to a nested stack that uses the cluster configuration interfaces I described in this previous post to apply puppet in a series of steps to all controller nodes.

Here's our overcloud (some CLI output removed for brevity):

$ heat stack-list
| 01c51e7e-ad2f-41d3-b056-3c4c84395114 | overcloud  | CREATE_COMPLETE |
2016-06-08T18:07:00 | None         |

Here's the ControllerNodesPostDeployment resource:

$ heat resource-list overcloud | grep ControllerNodesPost
| ControllerNodesPostDeployment             |
e67fff24-8089-4cf8-adf4-9c6064bf01d6          |
OS::TripleO::ControllerPostDeployment             | CREATE_COMPLETE |
2016-06-08T18:07:00 |
e67fff24-8089-4cf8-adf4-9c6064bf01d6 is the resource ID of
ControllerNodesPostDeployment, which is a nested stack - you can confirm
this via:

$ heat stack-list -n | grep "^| e67fff24-8089-4cf8-adf4-9c6064bf01d6"
| e67fff24-8089-4cf8-adf4-9c6064bf01d6 |
| UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-08T18:10:34 | 2016-06-09T08:52:45 |
01c51e7e-ad2f-41d3-b056-3c4c84395114 |

Note here the first column is the stack ID, and the last is the parent
stack ID (e.g "overcloud" above).

overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26 is the name of the stack that implements ControllerNodesPostDeployment - we can refer to it by either that name or the ID (e67fff24-8089-4cf8-adf4-9c6064bf01d6).

Step 2 - Basic update of the stack

Heat supports PATCH updates, so it is possible to trigger a no-op update without passing any template or parameters (the existing data will be used), or to patch in some specific modification.

Here's now it works, we simply use either the name or ID we discovered above, and use heat stack-update (or the new openstack client equivalent commands.

First, however, we want to get the last event ID before triggering the update (or, on recent heatclient versions you can instead use openstack stack event list --follow):

$ heat event-list overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26 | tac | head -n2
| overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26 | 89e535ef-d414-4121-b726-9924eccb4fc3 | Stack UPDATE completed successfully | UPDATE_COMPLETE    | 2016-06-09T09:09:09 |

So the last event logged by this nested stack has the ID of 89e535ef-d414-4121-b726-9924eccb4fc3 - we can use this as a marker so we hide all previous events for the stack:

 $ heat event-list -m 89e535ef-d414-4121-b726-9924eccb4fc3 overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26
| id | resource_status_reason | resource_status | event_time |

 Now, we can trigger the update, and use the marker event-list to follow progress:

heat stack-update -x overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26

<wait a short time>

$ heat event-list -m 89e535ef-d414-4121-b726-9924eccb4fc3 overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26
| resource_name | id | resource_status_reason | resource_status | event_time |
| overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26 | 2e08a022-ce0a-4e57-bf30-719fea6cbb74 | Stack UPDATE started | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-06-09T10:00:52 |
| ControllerArtifactsConfig | a55f9b17-f26c-4664-9ea5-535949c368e8 | state changed | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-06-09T10:01:00 |
| ControllerPuppetConfig | 21679c7f-c354-4319-9688-7fa290168664 | state changed | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-06-09T10:01:00 |
| ControllerPuppetConfig | f5761452-91dd-45dc-92e8-a5c371fa5004 | state changed | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-09T10:01:02 |
| ControllerArtifactsConfig | 01abec3c-f472-4ec2-893d-0fddb8fc1696 | state changed | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-09T10:01:02 |
| ControllerArtifactsDeploy | f8f7a21f-9169-4f8c-ab46-46ecbb141be8 | state changed | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-06-09T10:01:02 |
| ControllerArtifactsDeploy | 75937a57-e2f0-4d66-9b4c-2308593e56b1 | state changed | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-09T10:01:04 |
| ControllerLoadBalancerDeployment_Step1 | 6058e29c-cded-4ad3-94d9-65909fd4911d | state changed | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-06-09T10:01:04 |
| ControllerLoadBalancerDeployment_Step1 | c9f93f1f-177c-4721-827f-a7d409b2cd50 | state changed | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-09T10:01:06 |
| ControllerServicesBaseDeployment_Step2 | 92409e4c-24f2-4e68-bad9-47ce09107d7a | state changed | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-06-09T10:01:06 |
| ControllerServicesBaseDeployment_Step2 | a9203aa1-c438-47c0-977b-8e34669777bc | state changed | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-09T10:01:08 |
| ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step3 | aa7d78dc-d243-4d54-8ea6-3b59a6ed302a | state changed | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-06-09T10:01:08 |
| ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step3 | 4a1a6885-29d7-4708-a884-01f481ac1b35 | state changed | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-09T10:01:10 |
| ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step4 | 7afd52c1-cbbc-431a-a22c-dd7459ed2255 | state changed | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-06-09T10:01:10 |
| ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step4 | 0dac2e72-0919-4e91-ac94-100d8d811c67 | state changed | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-09T10:01:13 |
| ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step5 | ec57867f-e401-4756-bd30-0a566eced343 | state changed | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-06-09T10:01:13 |
| ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step5 | 427582fb-acd1-4939-a13c-7b3cbbc7527b | state changed | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-09T10:01:15 |
| ExtraConfig | 760fd961-fff6-4f4c-848e-80773e09e04b | state changed | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2016-06-09T10:01:15 |
| ExtraConfig | caee58b6-01bb-4805-b41f-4c48a8c7d767 | state changed | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-09T10:01:16 |
| overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26 | 35f527a5-0761-46bb-aecb-6eee0e0f083e | Stack UPDATE completed successfully | UPDATE_COMPLETE | 2016-06-09T10:01:25 |

So, we can see that we triggered an update on the nested stack, and it ran to completion in around 30 seconds (much less time than updating the entire overcloud).

Step 3 - Update of the stack with modifications

So, those paying attention may have noticed that 30 seconds is too fast for puppet to run on all the controller nodes, and it is - the reason being that we did a no-op update, and so Heat detects that no inputs have changed, thus it doesn't cause puppet to re-run.

To work around this, and enable puppet to re-assert state on every overcloud update, we have an identifier in the nested stack that is normally updated to a value that changes every update (in includes a timestamp when updates are triggered via python-tripleoclient vs heatclient directly)

We can emulate this behavior in our patch update, and force puppet to re-run through all the deployment steps - lets first look at the NodeConfigIdentifers parameter value:

$ heat stack-show overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26 | grep NodeConfigIdentifiers
"NodeConfigIdentifiers": "{u'deployment_identifier': u'1465409217', u'controller_config': {u'0': u'os-apply-config deployment bb67a1d5-f0a5-48ec-9883-1f2ae578a8bd complet ed,Root CA cert injection not enabled.,TLS not enabled.,None,'}, u'allnodes_extra': u'none'}"

Here we can see various data, including a deployment_identifier, which is the timestamp-derived unique identifier normally passed via python-tripleoclient.

We could update just that field, but the content of this mapping isn't important, only that it changes (this data is not currently consumed by puppet on update, it's just used to trigger the SoftwareDeployment to re-apply the config due to an input value changing).

So we can create an environment file that looks like this (note this must use parameters, not parameter_defaults, so that it overrides the value passed from the parent stack) - any value can be used, but you must change it each update if you want the SoftwareDeployment resources to be re-applied to the nodes.

$ cat update_env.yaml
  NodeConfigIdentifiers: 123

Then we can trigger another PATCH update including this data:

heat stack-update -x overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26 -e update_env.yaml

This time I'm using the new openstack stack event list --follow approach to monitor progress (if you don't have this, you can repeat the marker event-list approach described above):

$ openstack stack event list --follow2016-06-09 08:52:46 [overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack UPDATE started
2016-06-09 08:52:54 [ControllerPuppetConfig]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2016-06-09 08:52:54 [ControllerArtifactsConfig]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2016-06-09 08:52:56 [ControllerPuppetConfig]: UPDATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2016-06-09 08:52:56 [ControllerArtifactsConfig]: UPDATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2016-06-09 08:52:56 [ControllerArtifactsDeploy]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2016-06-09 08:52:58 [ControllerArtifactsDeploy]: UPDATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2016-06-09 08:52:58 [ControllerLoadBalancerDeployment_Step1]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2016-06-09 08:53:32 [ControllerLoadBalancerDeployment_Step1]: UPDATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2016-06-09 08:53:32 [ControllerServicesBaseDeployment_Step2]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2016-06-09 08:54:00 [ControllerServicesBaseDeployment_Step2]: UPDATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2016-06-09 08:54:00 [ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step3]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2016-06-09 08:54:57 [ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step3]: UPDATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2016-06-09 08:54:57 [ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step4]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2016-06-09 08:56:14 [ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step4]: UPDATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2016-06-09 08:56:14 [ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step5]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2016-06-09 08:57:16 [ControllerOvercloudServicesDeployment_Step5]: UPDATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2016-06-09 08:57:16 [ExtraConfig]: UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2016-06-09 08:57:17 [ExtraConfig]: UPDATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2016-06-09 08:57:26 [overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26]: UPDATE_COMPLETE  Stack UPDATE completed successfully

So, here we can see the update of the stack took a little longer (around 5 minutes in my environment), and if you were to check the os-collect-config logs on each controller node, you would see puppet re-applying on each node, fore every step defined in the template.

This approach can be extended if you want to e.g test changes to the stack template (or files it references such as puppet manifests or scripts), you would do something like:

$ cp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates .
$ cd openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/
$ heat stack-update -x overcloud-ControllerNodesPostDeployment-smy5ygz2lc26 -e update_env.yaml -f puppet/controller-post.yaml

Note that if you want to do a final update of the entire overcloud, you would need to point to this copied tree (assuming you want to maintain any changes), e.g

$ openstack overcloud deploy --templates /path/to/copy/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates


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